Child Activity Roll-Up Amounts on Parent Activities

When you're viewing the Details panel of a parent activity (an activity that has child activities below it), the Budget tab now shows you the exact amount those child activities are consuming from a connected investment's funds.

Previously, opening the Details > Budget tab for a parent activity would only show the total amount that was connected at that activity's level: for example, if an activity was connected to an investment with $170,000 in funds, then the Budget tab for that activity would show $170,000:

But what if that activity has child activities? Until now, there was no way to see if those child activities were consuming part of that $170,000— and if so, how much.

With our latest release, you can now get much clearer insight into your marketing spending at all levels. When an activity has child activities, the Details > Budget tab of that activity now breaks down the total connected spend amount into an Activity Roll-Up (the total of all spending at the child activity levels), as well as the amount remaining at the current level.

Taking our earlier example, you can now easily see that $80,000 of the $170,000 total is already being consumed by child activities, leaving $90,000 left over at the parent activity level:

By giving you insight into how much the child activities for a given parent activity are spending, this new feature makes it easier to understand and manage spending across all levels of your marketing activity hierarchy.

Key Changes

The Details > Budget tab for parent activities now breaks down connected spend amounts into two amounts:

  • Activity Roll-Up: How much of the total connected investment amount is being spent by child activities of the activity you're viewing, i.e. the sum of all amounts consumed by child activities of the current activity.

  • Current level spend: How much of the total connected investment amount is still available at the level of the activity you're viewing, i.e. the remaining amount not yet consumed by child activities of the current activity.

How it Works

When you view the Details > Budget tab of an activity that is connected to an investment, the system will calculate and display an Activity Roll-Up amount for each of the defined spend categories, i.e.:

  • Planned

  • Expected

  • Committed

  • Actual

If the activity you are viewing does not have child activities, or if none of the child activities are connected to spend amounts themselves, then the Activity Roll-Up amount in each spend category's section will display $0.

If the activity you are viewing has child activities that are connected to spend amounts, then the Activity Roll-Up amount in each spend category's section will accurately reflect the total amount consumed by the child activities, as well as the amount remaining at the level of the activity you're viewing.